Thursday, August 2, 2012


It started here.

I am always on the lookout for service opportunities.  Chances to show kindness to others and, more importantly, chances to teach my girls the importance of caring for others.  Showing Christ's love to others.  Three is young to understand what exactly we are doing and why (even though I think she is one smart cookie!).  I'm finding that twenty-eight is still young to understand Christ's love and grace.  I'll never fully understand but I can share as best I can.  I can't do it alone but Christ can show love and kindness through me and hopefully my girls will witness that.

So we made cards.  And I told my daughter that we were making them for sick little girls in the hospital.  I asked what we should write, what we should say, what she would like to see written in a card for her if she was in the hospital.  She said we should give them food.  That made me smile.  I told her the hospital was probably feeding them but we could brighten their day by making and sending cards.  We made a princess card, an Abby Cadabby card and a rock star card.  Cards I though she as a three year old girl would enjoy and could relate to.  She asked me what the little girls' names were and we thought of some names so she could better understand what we were doing.

We prayed over the cards before we sent them out.  We prayed that God would be with the little girls who received the cards and their families too.  We prayed the cards would make them smile.

Being a Christian isn't just about being a nice person.  This is something I'm struggling with personally at the moment.  But there's certainly nothing wrong with being kind and thinking about others.  In fact, it's very high on my list of wishes for my girls.  Just below "Have a meaningful relationship with Christ." you'll find "Be kind and love others.".  And I'm starting now.  Age three.  Making an Abby Cadabby card.

Monday, July 30, 2012


I had a blog.  It was about me and my family and the stuff we did.  My Mom loved it (Hi Mom!) and I enjoyed posting to it but it has set un-updated for nearly a year.

I'd like this blog to be different.  I mean I am still a Mom so many of my posts will inevitably revolve around parenting but I'm also a Wife, a Daughter, a Friend and a Child of God.  This blog will (hopefully) chronicle my journey as I explore a new life philosophy: Give Up, Lift Up, Free Up.

Give Up.  Give up control to God.  Over circumstances, decisions, finances... everything.  

Lift Up.  Lift up prayers, requests and most importantly praises and thanks to God.  Lift up my life, my family, my everything.

Free Up.  Free up my energy and my time from worry.  Placing control of my life in God's hands I will be freed up to be the me He has created me to be.  No worry, no fear.  Me.

I am terrified!  But I'm hopeful.  I'm ready.  I'm determined.  The name of my blog "Looking Up" has a three-fold meaning.  First to be a more uplifting and encouraging force to those around me.  Second as a reminder to look to Christ for everything in my life; grace, provision, gratitude.  And lastly because I have two little sweethearts who are "looking up" to me for guidance, example, discipline, love and more than anything I want to model Christ's life and love for them.

Pray for me.  Pray with me.  In Christ Alone.
